Archive for Month: September 2024


Confidence and Competence

One of the best pieces of feedback I ever received was when an honest friend said, “Sometimes your confidence exceeds your competence.”  As painful as that feedback was, it made me more conscious of the level of confidence I project when I assert an opinion or decide to take on a task for which I may not be entirely prepared.  For example, I often observe myself giving directions or offering an opinion on a subject Read More


Locked and Loaded

“Locking” and “loading” refer to steps in preparing a machine gun to be fired: You first “lock” the bolt or safety and then “load” an ammunition cartridge or magazine. Figuratively, to be “locked and loaded” is to be fully prepared for aggressive action.   As parents and grandparents, we are always looking for ways to keep our kids out of danger’s way and to avoid aggressive action.  There are two messages I would love to Read More


The Price of Privilege

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”  Marcus Aurelius.   “When you’re accustomed to privilege, parity and equity, and equality may feel like oppression.”  Raphael Warnock    I was born with privilege.  I’m white.  I’m male.   I have a relatively healthy body and mind.   I was raised by kind and loving parents.  I grew up in Read More