Cultute Change

Ocean Beach Club, Bahamas, 1988


I’m writing this post on a milestone birthday. I’m now in my ninth decade of life on this planet. One friend of over 50 years sent a picture of our younger years and wrote,

“These were the days we thought everything was possible. We assumed we would sing and dance forever and a day. The days have grown short, but the memories live forever. Nobody and nothing can take them away. Friendship is a rare and precious gift.” 

Optics: a soap bubble exhibiting interference colours

Imposers and Exposers

I’ve been thinking about windows and mirrors lately, an educational concept created by scholar and educator Emily Style. 

Windows allow readers to see into different lives and different ideas.  Mirrors reflect a person’s own culture, ethnicity, and philosophy.  As Sydney Harris, an American journalist and author, said:

“[M]ost people reflect the emotions of the time, while few open windows that bring light to dark places.”

Title: The Benefits of Travel | Credit: Tyler Hewitt | Source: Flickr | License: CC BY-NC 2.0

In Defense of DEI

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is more than just a moral imperative; it’s a powerful driver of social and economic progress. While some argue that focusing on DEI is unnecessary or even detrimental, a wealth of research demonstrates the benefits of fostering inclusive environments in organizations and society at large. One of the most significant benefits of real DEI is its positive impact on economic growth. Keep reading to find out why and how this works.

Title: inside Canyon Diablo meteor impact crater | Credit: Mike Beauregard | Source: Flickr | License: CC BY 2.0

Arcs of Life, History, and the Universe

Well, it’s not quite like being hit by a meteor that destroys the earth, but it’s pretty close to it.  We just elected a cult leader who landed enough hateful and hegemonic messages to enough voters to win the electoral votes by 312-226. (Note: Trump’s margin was less than 2%, and he received less than 50% of the vote, llinois was the only blue state on the electoral map between the coasts, and the total Read More

Title: Unbind Me | Credit: Duncan Rawlinson - | Source: Flickr | License: CC BY-NC 2.0

Grace or Disgrace

In Nexus, Yuval Harari concludes that the difference between democracies and dictatorships lies in how they handle information. Systems, whether human or artificial, can evolve and self-correct when they promote conversation and mutuality and that they devolve when they give into blind subservience. 

As in many Southern U.S. cities, a railroad track runs right down the middle of Commerce, Georgia's, main street | Credit: Carol M. Highsmith | License: Public Domain

American Myths and Realities

Homelessness, a harsh reality for millions of people around the world, is often shrouded in misconceptions. These myths create a barrier to understanding the complexities of the issue and hinder efforts to address the problems.  This overview dismantles some of the most pervasive myths surrounding homelessness and reveals the human stories that lie beneath.

Title: EAP LAB | Author: Turbulentarch | Source: Flickr | License: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Common Good

We have been reduced to a “whatever-it-takes-to win” mentality.  

As a result, we have a rigged system that perpetuates inequality, enables economic elites, and undermines trust in institutions. 

What it would take to increase commitment to the common good?

Credit: @evieshaffer | License: CC0

Why We are Stuck in the Muck

It seems to me that the conditions for change have become much more challenging in the last 20 years.

Every day brings new stories of extremism growing, disinformation proliferating, inequality widening, and fear simmering. In the midst of growing trends and shrinking standards, the question is:

How do we get ourselves out of this muck?

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13 Interdependent Possibilities for Community Development

Our little, rural  town of Elk Rapids, Michigan is embarking on a big, bold journey of transformation.  Challenged by an ageing population, a declining school enrollment, and a seasonal economy, a small Coalition of the Possible  (Yes, you heard that right – more later)  considered seeking an outside consultant to speak to us about ways rural communities can overcome their sometimes self-defeating ways to build a healthy community where people love to live.  This notion Read More


Our dog, Henri, is a big, brown Labradoodle with a loud, deep, fear-inducing bark that would give anyone pause to intrude uninvited. When we take him on a walk he prances loud and proud pretending he is the master of the universe. The truth is that he is a compliant wimp who wouldn’t hurt a flea.

Title: the colony | Author: yumikrum | Source: Own Work | License: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Hubris and Hyperbole

“Hyperbole is not easily dealt with. Usually, it collapses under its own weight.” —Gwen Ifill “Hubris is one of the great renewable resources.” —P.J. O’Rourke “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities” —Voltaire My little town in Northern Michigan is conducting a capital campaign to raise 5 million dollars for a library expansion. The current library is situated on a beautiful island in a pristine community on lovely Lake Michigan. Read More

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Organizational Sepsis

My granddaughter, Annie, was born at 26 weeks, weighed one and a half pounds, and had sepsis. The best Doctors in the world took a wild (but educated) guess on a broad spectrum antibiotic that might cure the infections, the best nurses in the world gave her 24/7 loving care to keep alive any speck of life they could find, and her family held her in their hearts constantly. Annie fought for her life and Read More

Title: Nuclear Fusion | Author: Matthias Weinberger | Source: Own Work | License: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Fission or Fusion

I’ve always believed we have a lot to learn from physics, biology and math. Our individual and organizational behaviors often mimic the natural sciences. Humans have only been around for a couple of hundred thousand of years, but the laws of physics have been operating for 14 billion years. Perhaps we should learn from the natural laws that brought us to this place. Fusion and fission are a good place to start. Fusion occurs when Read More

Credit: @morningbrew | License: CC0


“So let us begin anew—remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.” —John F. Kennedy “The whole country wants civility. Why don’t we have it? It doesn’t cost anything. No federal funding, no legislation Read More

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Attribution of Variance

One of my favorite courses in graduate school was research evaluation which involved the analysis of study designs.

It was fascinating to me to figure out how to determine the impact of independent variables on dependent variables and how to factor out how each potential cause created a specific effect.


“Whether it is tribalism, racism, xenophobia, or anti-Muslim backlash we’re talking about, we spend so much time and energy fighting ways to divide ourselves from others.” —Loretta Lynch I recently learned that my great grandfather, William, was a large landowner in Michigan and took part in the Gold Rush in the 19th century. William originally came from England in 1835 with 50 cents in his pocket. He somehow managed to make his way to California Read More

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“Everything we say signifies; everything counts that we put out into the world.  It impacts our kids, it impacts on the zeitgeist of the time.”  —Meryl Streep “Even a genius cannot completely resist his Zeitgeist, the spirit of his time.”  —Victor Frankl On an individual level, it’s hard to keep my spirits up these days. People are dying. The economy is in shambles. Restaurants and bars are closed. Lives and livelihoods are being destroyed. This Read More

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 “People across the world are yearning to be connected to stories of hope.”  —Jacqueline Novogratz In 1968, what helped me get through my year in Vietnam was a pen-pal who had agreed, on the suggestion of her boyfriend, to write to me.  After all, he said, you will be in Paris while Rick is in Saigon – you two should write.  She met me in LA when I returned from Vietnam.  We were engaged four Read More

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Just A Little Justice

John died this week sitting on a bench in front of our condo building.  He was an ubiquitous presence in the neighborhood for many years.  John was a 72 year old homeless man with Tourette Syndrome.  He walked around the neighborhood all day pushing a cart with all his belongings which he kept meticulously organized.   John managed his homelessness with as much dignity as he possibly could.  He had a variety of sleeping spots he Read More

Questioning Orthodoxy

“There is a crack in everything.  That’s how the light gets in.” —Leonard Cohen I just watched three new movies: Little Women, directed by Greta Gerwig, A Hidden Life, directed by Terrence Malick, and Two Popes, directed by Fernando Meirelles. All three spoke to the importance of questioning orthodoxy in different times and different places. Little Women was set in the mid-19th century in New England. It’s a wonderful, big-hearted movie that pays homage to Read More

Title: The Creation of Adam Pie Packed | Author: Mario Klingemann | Source: Own Work | License: CC BY-NC 2.0

Demonize Digitize or Democratize

In this post, I’m going to discuss how demonization and digitization can undermine democracy and what we need to do to restore democracy in the world. I know…two pretty big challenges for a short post, but here’s my best shot. When I went through Army Basic Training during the Vietnam War, many of the exercises were designed to demonize the Vietnamese people. When we stabbed our bayonets into dummies, we were instructed to yell, “Kill Read More

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Language and Loss

Every year I like to look at the New York Times best books of the year and select a few that I want to read. This year I chose Lost Children Archives by Valeria Luisilli, The Topeka School by Ben Lerner, Disappearing Earth by Julia Phillips, and The Yellow House by Sarah Broom. Coincidentally they all deal with language and loss in one way or another. Lost Children Archives discusses the language of silence and Read More

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Noticing Normalization

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I try to stick with timeless themes vs. timely traumas. For example, I studiously avoid using the “T” word. In the last five years of posting, I have only slipped into the political muck a few times. While this post still remains true to timeless, generic, and universal principles, I apologize in advance for letting my toe slip into those seductive, but poisonous, Read More

We the Trees and Water

I recently read We the Corporations, a new book by Adam Winkler on how American businesses won their civil rights. In this meticulously well-documented history, Winkler puts corporate power on center stage. He charts how corporations systematically and incrementally gained political advantages over a 200 year period culminating in Citizens United which was funded by corporate elites to bend the law in their favor. Winkler methodically points out that America has been pro-corporate and elitist Read More