Tag: housing insecurity

Homeless Solutions and Models

How communities address homelessness issues provides a great example of what happens when you chase symptoms instead of change systems that are causing problems in the first place.  Finding solutions to help people experiencing homelessness presents the same kinds of challenges communities face in dealing with health, criminal justice, poverty, inflation, immigration, climate change, gun violence, etc.  The choice always involves investing in ways to improve the systems creating the problems vs. dealing with symptom Read More

As in many Southern U.S. cities, a railroad track runs right down the middle of Commerce, Georgia's, main street | Credit: Carol M. Highsmith | License: Public Domain

American Myths and Realities

Homelessness, a harsh reality for millions of people around the world, is often shrouded in misconceptions. These myths create a barrier to understanding the complexities of the issue and hinder efforts to address the problems.  This overview dismantles some of the most pervasive myths surrounding homelessness and reveals the human stories that lie beneath.

Title: EAP LAB | Author: Turbulentarch | Source: Flickr | License: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Common Good

We have been reduced to a “whatever-it-takes-to win” mentality.  

As a result, we have a rigged system that perpetuates inequality, enables economic elites, and undermines trust in institutions. 

What it would take to increase commitment to the common good?