Tag: inequality

Title: EAP LAB | Author: Turbulentarch | Source: Flickr | License: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Common Good

We have been reduced to a “whatever-it-takes-to win” mentality.  

As a result, we have a rigged system that perpetuates inequality, enables economic elites, and undermines trust in institutions. 

What it would take to increase commitment to the common good?

Title: parfait, collage, 2018 | Credit: yumikrum | Source: Flickr | License: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Price of Privilege

I was born with privilege. I think it’s fair to say that I grew up expecting things to go my way.

While it is true that privilege pays, there is also a price to pay for too much privilege. 

Read more to find out what the cost of privilege is.

The Library of Congress Hughey Gold [child with football]

Football Culture

“When I won the world championship, in 1972, the United States had an image of, you know, a football country, a baseball country, but nobody thought of it as an intellectual country.” —Bobby Fischer Well Bobby, I guess the more things change the more they remain the same. Speaking of football, my family was recently watching the annual Ohio State vs. Michigan football game that would determine who would go to the Rose Bowl and Read More

Binary Blindness

“Obviously, there is no such thing as race, and in many ways, sex is a continuum, not a binary. So it doesn’t make sense to label people in that way.” —Gloria Steinem I get to the airport 7 hours before departure in hopes of catching an earlier flight home. It’s a busy Friday so all flights are full. I’m stuck with the bleak prospect of surviving the whole day in a chaotic scene I deplore. Read More

20101230-dontvnctoyourself by Flickr user ClintJCL https://www.flickr.com/photos/clintjcl/

The Wisdom of Walls

In response to public charges against his high school principle for soliciting sex from a 13 year old, Liam O’Brien, a 16-year-old student at the school, said: “I guess it’s unnerving, but at the same time I almost feel bad because it seems like the Internet creates this wall where people are separated from the reality of their decisions and so they explore things that they normally would never be OK with – that sort Read More

Credit: Master Wen | License: CC0

Symptoms or Systems

It’s easy to see the glaring symptoms of a problem and miss the underlying systems that caused the problem in the first place. Let’s take Ferguson as the most recent example. If we look at the situation as an individual problem, we could focus on Michael Brown, Darren Wilson, or Robert McCulloch. Michael Brown was clearly the victim – he was an unarmed man who didn’t deserve to be shot. He was also not a Read More

Photo of New York City by Rick Bellingham


The featured image of this post is a picture of the downtown area of NYC—home of Wall Street. It’s a beautiful sight with majestic buildings, but there is a story unfolding that is as ugly as the buildings are beautiful. In those spectacular buildings, and in others around the world, evil lurks. Here are some facts: The highest percentage of ultra high net worth people (greater than $30 million) lives in NYC. Unfortunately, almost 50%