Tag: Japan

Homeless Solutions and Models

How communities address homelessness issues provides a great example of what happens when you chase symptoms instead of change systems that are causing problems in the first place.  Finding solutions to help people experiencing homelessness presents the same kinds of challenges communities face in dealing with health, criminal justice, poverty, inflation, immigration, climate change, gun violence, etc.  The choice always involves investing in ways to improve the systems creating the problems vs. dealing with symptom Read More

Title: Shikoku Temple Pilgrimage (八十八ヶ所巡) (32) | Author: american_rugbier | Source: Own work | License: CC BY-SA 2.0

Peace Babies

I learned what it was like to live in a first-world country over the past two weeks: no litter, no homelessness, on-time bullet trains, state-of-the-art communications, universal health care, and lower levels of inequality and crime than almost any developed country. Less than 1 civilian in 100 owns a gun compared to 127 guns per 100 civilians in the United States. And children have affordable access to quality education from Pre-K (starting at 2 years Read More