Tag: Plato
Imposers and Exposers
I’ve been thinking about windows and mirrors lately, an educational concept created by scholar and educator Emily Style.
Windows allow readers to see into different lives and different ideas. Mirrors reflect a person’s own culture, ethnicity, and philosophy. As Sydney Harris, an American journalist and author, said:
“[M]ost people reflect the emotions of the time, while few open windows that bring light to dark places.”
Leadership Humility, Honesty, and Humor
One could say that I have been a bit obsessed with leadership and learning for most of my life, and I finally came to the conclusion that great leaders could be distinguished by three simple characteristics. Read more to find out.
Measuring Meaning in the New Year
“Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone – we find it with another.” —Thomas Merton OK, here’s the problem. When I searched the internet for “how to measure meaning,” the first item that popped up (the most popular Yahoo answer) was how to measure your penis. Apparently, a lot of men are still finding the greatest source of meaning in their life to be the size Read More