Poem for the Planet

Title: Based on Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Airocean World | Author: | Source: | License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Title: Based on Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Airocean World | Author: Siteinside | Source: Wikimedia | License: CC BY-NC-SA

Same earth

Same water

Same sun

Same air

Same beginning

Same end

Different skins

Different sizes

Different countries

Different beliefs

Different assumptions

Machu Picchu, by Rick Bellingham
Machu Picchu, photo by Rick Bellingham

Different experiences

Connected by every step

Connected by every drink

Connected by every breath

Connected by every joy

Connected by every terror

Connected by every beauty

Connected by every misery

So many similarities

So many connections

So many possibilities

So few differences

No reason for war

No reason for division

We are One in All

We are All in One


Also published on Medium.

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