Oh Infinite Possibility
We give thanks to the spiritual role models of the ancient past:
Laozi, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and more
Who taught us
That transcending the ego is more important than feeding the ego
That love conquers hate
That, in the stillness of silence, we develop our souls
We give thanks for the towering giants of the recent past:
Martin, Bobby, Nelson, Teddy, Franklin, Eleanor, Jane, Mahatma, and more
Who taught us
The principles of non-violence
The importance of civil and human rights
The responsibility to protect our environment and our dignity
In spite of those ancient and recent giants
Our engines of justice are sputtering
With prejudice
With privilege
With patronage
Our hearts of compassion are fluttering
In fear
In hate
In sadness
Our mouths of leadership are muttering
With mean spirited words
With rage and rhetoric
With other-hood instead of brotherhood
Our hands of healing are puttering
With inconsequential deeds
With incomprehensible creeds
With shameful acts of greed
With technology and toys
Yes, our social systems are crumbling:
Fewer jobs for the unskilled
Worse health for those in need
Less food for the poor
All while our politicians are mumbling about
“Elitist democrats”
“Stupid republicans”
“Bumbling bureaucrats”
Oy!, our leaders are stumbling on
Tweets instead of policies
Lies instead of truth
Fake news instead of facts
Instead of being inspired by those who have come before us, are among us now, and will emerge from the coming generations,
We are hunkered down by probabilities, so:
We build walls in fear that one immigrant may commit a heinous act
We cut the fabric of our safety nets in fear that one person may abuse the system
We ban Muslims in fear one person may sneak in to commit an act of terror
May we be inspired again by possibility.
The possibility that one young woman may create a new spirit in the world ‘
May we be inspired that one and one and one acts of compassion will suddenly combine synergistically so that ALL of us might live in peace.
May we be inspired to have a stronger commitment to higher ideals
May we be inspired to develop deeper capabilities for substantive and sustainable solutions
May we be inspired to collaborate for a broader, more inclusive, and welcoming culture.
May we move from fear and hate to love and compassion
Oh Infinite Possibility
We give thanks for the towering giants among us now:
Malala, Angela, Barack, Michelle and more
And we give thanks for the towering giants who will emerge in the future:
Maria, Angelica, Abony, Jada, Annie, Ezra, Biyu, Dai-Tai, Khayla, Mahira
Who will teach us what we can’t even yet imagine
Oh Universal Energy
Help us tap into a new spirit
Oh Cosmic Consciousness
Let us see beyond our differences
Oh Abundant Love
Help us reach out and touch each other gently
Help us welcome each other tenderly
Help us awaken passion in our souls
Help us radiate the kindness in our hearts
Help us dance in gratitude to Cosmic grace
Help us give our children a chance to grow together in peace
Also published on Medium.
Beautiful Ricky-well done! RonnyDonny